We will be taking the ten practice tests, four in Mathematics, four in Science, and two in English-Language Arts in class over the next few days. I am asking the students to bring home their graded answer documents for you, the parents, to sign. This is so you can see how much work we're doing in class, which is part of why there is so little homework currently. And so you can see how your child is doing in those three subject areas.
For science, I have provided to all the fifth grade students, two different sets of study materials for their benefit. One, there are three double-sided pages of fourth grade science concepts that former students researched. These are organized as a series of questions (which the students researched) and answers. Two, I have prepared a three page, double-sided summary of fourth grade science concepts from last year's textbook. These include many key vocabulary words and their definitions.
For mathematics, I have given all fifth grade students a double-sided two page study guide of math standards. I have marked key standards, which tend to make up a larger percentage of questions on the STAR test. I have included key vocabulary and definitions as well as references to page numbers in this year's mathematics textbook. I have also included a number of other information that I have taught or will teach which is not included in the textbook.
Please use these resources to help your child study and prepare for this year's STAR test. And encourage them to ask questions as we are reviewing the practice tests in the classroom.